Fußball im Englischunterricht

'Some people believe football is a matter of life and death...I can assure you it is much, much more serious than that.' A lot of people in the UK and beyond tend to agree with legendary football manager Bill Shankly, even more when there is a world cup coming up.

In this topic our main focus is not only on this eagerly anticipated event alone but also on the wonderful world of football in general. So get your English classroom ready and your students will be able to tell you the difference between a 'dive' and a 'sweeper' in no time. You will definitely learn something new no matter if you are obsessed with the game or if you are a complete football illiterate.

  • Football - BBC World

    The Learning English section of BBC world starts out with the descriptions of the most important football terms and goes into phrases relevant to this topic field. There are also online games you can play as well as vocab lists you can download. Detailansicht


  • Soccer Quotes - a database of famous soccer related quotations

    Here you will find a selection of quotes from players, managers and commentators. Let the unique wisdom of David Beckham, his wife Victoria!! and others put a smile on your face. Detailansicht


  • Football (Soccer) - Wikipedia

    Wikipedia is often a good starting point. Find out more about the basic rules, tactics, equipment, popularity and history of the game as well as important competitions. Links to other articles and external ones will help you as well. Detailansicht


  • Football glossary (English and German)

    This detailed German - English glossary provides lots of information on all football related topic fields. The usage of the words is shown as well and for further research you can follow the links that are given as a reference. Detailansicht


  • Bend it like Beckham

    The motion picture "Bend it like Beckham" is fairly well known by now. It is about an Indian teenage girl who is crazy about David Beckham and an avid football player herself. She even joins a local women's football team without the consent of her parents as they have more traditional views. Detailansicht


  • The FA - Women

    Check the FA's women's football website for further and more recent information. Detailansicht


  • Unterricht Englisch: Football

    Have a look at the table of contents of this issue of "Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch" on Football. The link underneath goes to the publisher's shop. Detailansicht


  • Auf dem Fußballplatz/ On the pitch (bilingual)

    Vom Anstoßpunkt bis zur Querlatte - wie die deutschen bzw. englischen Bezeichnungen auf dem Fußballplatz lauten, finden Sie auf diesem Lernposter (PDF-Datei, 553 KB). Detailansicht


  • BBC Football - the latest news on football

    The latest BBC Football news plus live scores, fixtures, results, tables, video, audio, blogs and analysis for all major UK and international leagues. Detailansicht


  • The Magic of Soccer

    A South African story of magic in football where the South African players bathed in a special potion prepared by their muti-man, a traditional healer! Detailansicht


  • Premier Skills

    The British Premier League and the British Council help you to learn two global languages: football and English. Detailansicht


  • Football in South Africa - Bafana Bafana

    "Bafana Bafana" ("The Boys") is the nickname of South Africa's Football Team which is considered to be one of the first gifts that democracy brought to South Africa. Detailansicht



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